Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gratitude and the Reciprocity effect

I read an article today with a headline that immediately caught my attention: “True Secret to Success (it’s not what you think)”. Obviously I had to find out what the true secret to success is…I have tried several avenues and know that as presently defined, pure, unwavering diligence and hard work are NOT all it takes…so what is it? (At least in the author’s opinion?)
Gratitude…yup, in a single word, author Geoffrey James defines the secret to success as being thankful for what one has. I will have to say, old Jeff does make some very valid points: “People who (have) a sense of gratitude are constantly aware of what’s wonderful in their life. Because they enjoy the fruits of their success, they seek out more success”….well stated
He goes on to talk about those without a sense of gratitude never being happy. “For them, a string of successes is like trying to fill a bucket with a huge leak in the bottom”.  Those of us who are aware of “old school” film photography, and the printing process especially,  are aware of the “reciprocity effect”.  There is an inverse relationship between the amount and duration of light added to a photosensitive medium and the amount that the medium will absorb that light. In short….trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it.
If you are among those who would like to include “gratitude” as part of your psychological make-up, Geoffrey  James suggest an easy route to  reprogram you thinking is just before your bedtime at night…write down what you have to be grateful for that day. You can do this electronically or on paper, just do this one simple step, and you will be exercising your “gratitude muscle”…he suggests that doing so over time will give you, at the least, a more positive attitude.
J_Does anyone see a distinct correlation between what Jeff is suggesting and a practice that has been carried out for hundreds, if not thousands of years?....evening “enter what you are grateful for that happened today on my phone” and “Evening Prayer” ?
Yup, Mr. James, I am sure you are right. I am also sure you have added a modern twist to a practice that has been carried out for generations.
I have but one question:  Do I have to kneel beside my bed while entering my daily gratitude into the “notes” section of the IPhone?
Mr, James' excellent article may be found here.


  1. good story . . . thank you for sharing . . . guess I am successful then because I am most grateful . . . 8D

  2. I am grateful for your reminder to be grateful. And it probably wouldn't hurt to kneel while making additions to our lists of things to be grateful for. Hmmmm, maybe there's an app for that.

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