Monday, July 30, 2012

More to be grateful for

Here is the body for the newest country and western song:
I am out of work, I have just about run out of places to apply, I am no spring chicken, the car went up in smoke and it cost thousands to fix it, I broke a tooth this weekend and needed oral surgery…and the air conditioner broke last week and it will be Friday before it can be made operational again.
WOW!...stuff happens in bunches, does it not?
My last article was about being grateful….let’s look at the “upbeat” side of this song:
I can move anywhere in this United States of America I want to, if I want to pursue a job there, that is what freedom is all about. I am "seasoned" the only way to get there is to have some age under your belt. I am in good health and still have a fair amount of my mental capacities.  The economy is, indeed on a downturn, but a slow recovery is the best for everyone on planet earth, and I strongly believe that the slow recovery is not far off. Because the car went up in smoke an opportunity to go car shopping appeared, and with some stashed away money for this type of rainy day, a brand new (with a good warranty) vehicle sits in the garage. There is a certain cleansing quality of realizing when pain is gone, (those with gout will attest to that fact) when one realizes that there is not that thing called pain sitting on top of your psyche 24-7:  it brings a smile. I got to find a dentist who had me in a chair by 8:30 this morning, and after an hour of virtually painless oral surgery, x-rays, medication, and all the other unseen voodo that can extract a crumbling molar from the far reaches of one's jaw; The bill came to  only $250.00! To Dr. Teresa Morris and her staff, I am truly thankful, and grateful that a clinic with the name of “Giving Back” exists; it truly does.
I am glad that this house has a good amount of insulation, with the outside air at 101 degrees; it is only 84 degrees in here today.
I am grateful that I found the article last week that opened my eyes about finding things to  be grateful for instead of taking the “low road”
I am grateful I like upbeat music more than the cry-in-my-beer country songs!


  1. Cool things! I had not heard about your tooth though...ouch!!

  2. Now that is looking on the bright side...behind every pain or sorrow there is a silver lining we just have to look to find it.
