Saturday, August 25, 2018

Love... God what a diverse, non definable, and egocentric subject to write about.
This blog is about me, however. Me and my viewpoints. So here I am, hanging out
naked to the world, talking about the singular most important emotion any living being can have.
This brings me to another point. Is love just an emotion (or a second hand emotion, as Tina Turner was wont to say) or is it a mind set? I believe that love is a way of life...not some sappy "gee I love you and the world is wonderful" type of mind set. Love is not a universal emotion, you see.
Rather, love is just one step beyond acceptance and one step before unwavering commitment.
I remember the first love of my life. Her name was Kaye Harp. She had long flowing black hair and she was the cutest freshman in high school. That was not, however, why I fell in love with Kaye.
Kaye and I exchanged ideas. As insignificant and meaningless by today's standards as those ideas were: she listened to my ideas and I to hers...we became close in mind and body. We also drifted see, a poor teacher's son was no match for the son of a big city doctor driving a restored '57 Chevy Nomad. I guess that guy conveyed better ideas than did I.
And I love her still...I heard that she had not survived the ravages of cancer. I suppose I should have tried to stay closer in touch. But then again she left me once, I guess that is enough.
I am not going to enumerate every love I have had in my life, that is not the intent of this post.
My intent is to elaborate on what I believe the mindset and emotion called love really is.
If I love a grandson who has existed on this planet for ten minutes, why can I not love a person who is thirty years my senior, or decades my junior?
You see, it is all in the definition.
I think there is this special place in a person's mind that is reserved those who touch a special place in one's heart.
They don't leave that place, no matter their actions or the time or distance apart.The emotion that is felt as love is indelible.
Given all the above information, saying "I love you"and loving someone are two totally separate entities.
Saying "I love you " is the end of a phone conversation, or the start of a deeply physical encounter.
Putting that person in the special "love" section of your mind is what true love is all about.
I cannot define it,l I cannot , most assuredly, define it for you.
For me, however, Love is that which there is no universal definition. Please remember, however, that emotion and love are two entirely different things. Love is a mindset.

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